"Help find a missing child" Games
Unless otherwise indicated, all games are played with the regular "cut" rules...To determine dealer, everyone cuts for the deal, highest card wins. Deal is always to the left, and a cut must be offered to the player to your right. Ace=11(or one, when indicated) is high, unless otherwise indicated...and king, queen, jack, ten=10 points. All the rest of the cards are face value. Bourre' Five cards are dealt to each player. The dealer turns up his/her 5th card, which becomes the trump card. Each player assesses their cards. Keeping trump cards and discarding the others. Some people prefer to keep aces of other suits, but this is not required. The dealer then replaces the same number of discarded cards to each player to equal 5. Each player now has 5 cards. and the dealer picks up the trump card which was face up, and play begins. The player to the right of the dealer leads. He or she may not lead a trump card first unless the hand is all trumps or a "sure" thing...IE..Ace, King, Queen. Everyone must follow suit. If you do not follow suit you must trump the trick and attempt to take it. The object of the game, of course, is to take the most tricks. If a player doesn't take any tricks that is a Bourre' Players are two. Point value=ace is one point. each card from 2-10 is the face value. face cards in effect have no point value, since they must only be paired. The 2 of spades=1 point, 10 of diamonds=2 points, aces=1 point. Most cards recieves 3 points, and most spades= 1 point. Total points=11. If a "sweep" is taken that is one point per sweep.(sweeps occur when the player clears the board with his trick) Deal begins with dealer giving 2 cards to his opponent, two cards face up, two cards to himself, and then repeats this so that each has 4 cards, and 4 cards turned up. Playing=Each turn one card must be played. He may simply lay it face up on the table; this is called trailing. But he seeks when possible to TAKE cards in. The object of play is to capture cards from the table in order to score points. Each player stacks his captured cards face down in front of him. Cards remaining on the table after the last card is played go to the player who has taken the last trick. PAIRING= The simplest way of taking cards is to pair them. As card from the hand may be used to take another of the same rank on the table. This is the only way in which face cards may be taken, but applies to all cards. All other cards may be taken in 2,3,4 at a time. COMBINING= 2 or more cards on the table may be taken by a card from the hand that is equal to their total point value. For example..6+3=9 and so on..OR 5+4+ace=10.. Two or more combinations may be taken with the same card thus 6+4=10 and 7+3 = 10 and may all be take with the same 10 as long as the card you are adding up to is held in the hand. BUILDING= To lay the card from the hand upon a card on the table, and making a combination equal in total to another card in the hand. Having made a build, a player may not trail at his next turn. He must take it in, or duplicate it, or increase it, or leave it temporarily while he takes other cards. A player may capture another players build if he has the appropriate card. The builder must state the amount of the build. A player may increase the total of a build and so chnage the rank of card needed for it's capture. Winning the game= the first player to reach a total of 21 points(which may take several hands) If the cards are evenly split there is no points for cards.
Object: The object of the game is for one team to discover as many charades as possible in a given number of rounds in the least amount of time. Click ![]() ![]() Rules: Domino Terms and Language Bones, Tiles, or Stones The actual playing pieces. While Dominoes is the name of the game, referring to a playing piece as a domino is not strictly correct. Blank An end of a tile which contains no pips or spots. Doublet or Double A tile which contains the same number of pips at both ends. Double Sixes The highest ranking tile in a 28 tile set. Also, the name of such a set. Double Nines The highest ranking tile in a 55 tile set. Also, the name of such a set. Double Twelves The highest ranking tile in a 91 tile set. Also, the name of such a set. Shuffle To mix the bones while they are turned face down on the table. Draw To pick the bones for your hand out of a central pile or the boneyard. Bone pile or Boneyard Spare bones left after the draw that may be used as a draw pile in some games. Heavier A bone with more spots on it is said to be heavier than another bone with fewer spots. Lighter A bone with fewer spots on it is said to be lighter than another bone with more spots. Block Games The goal of these games is to play all of your bones or block all your opponents from playing any of their bones. The sniff game Sniff is one of the best domino games. Especially when played by two. It is more a game of skill than the standard draw-game. It has great similarity to Muggins, and many regard them as the same game. Number of players The game is for 2, 3 or 4 players. It is best played with two players, but adapts well to three or four players. Materials One domino game with bones 0-6. Object of the game The first player to score 200 or more points wins the game. For three or four players play to a total of 100 points, to be agreed in advance. The deal All bones are shuffled face down. Both players receives 7 bones if there are two players. With three or four players, each gets five bones. The starting player is decided by lot. To start one player lays down one stone in the middle. This may but needs not be a doublet. The turn then rotates to his left. The rules 1.All bones played must be played to a free end and must match numbers. 2.The layout has two open ends at the start. 3.As soon as the first double is played, this becomes the sniff. Play is continued from all four sides of the sniff. 4.If a player can not legally play a bone, he must draw from the boneyard untill he can. 5.Doublets are placed crosswise as usual. 6.A player scores points if the open ends are a multiple of five. For example, if player A starts with: 3-5 and player B continues with 5-2, the result is: 3-5 5-2 and player B scores 3+2=5 points. If player A adds 3-3 and player B adds 2-2, the result is: 3-3 3-5 5-2 2-2 and player B scores 3+3+2+2=10 points. The end The game ends when one player goes domino (plays his last bone) or when all players have consecutively passed. The player who dominoes or, if everyone passed, the player with the least number of spots, scores points equal to the number of spots on the stones in the hands of all other players, rounded to the nearest multiple of five. A WONDERFUL BACKGAMMON SITE ![]() CHESS COACH!
Play solitare on line Free! ![]() Learn to play bridge! game? This is Weblibs! Riddler.com Riddler! A super games site! Background provided by: Rosie's Backgrounds ![]()