About four thousand or so had arrived and Mass had started. From the place we chose we could see and hear everything. Under the oak at the edge of the shore the mothers' society of the congregation had set up a white altar, with flowers from the woods. Dwarfed by the girth of the great tree was a miniature organ, connected to a sound truck. On other days the oak-lined spread of green was a picnic-ground; now it became a cathedral, the arched branches forming the groins. The crowd, seated on the grounds, half in shadow, turned to the Archbishop in his golden cape and tall miter, a resplendent figure, against the background of darting silver of the water, the green and lavender of the hyacinths, the slow movement of the boats. Incense floated up the dripping gray moss, and the sound of the altar bell rang out. Automatically all who had stayed on their boats dropped to their knees with the others on shore. The prelate, next taking up his sermon, recalled that the disciples of Christ were drawn from the fishermen of Galilee. Through the night, at the Lake they cast in vain. Then He told them to try once more, and lo! the nets came heavily loaded. Now there would be days when you too would cast with no success, but be not discouraged, because His eyes will be on you. And in the storm, when your boat tosses like a thing leaf , hold firm.The organ notes reached their climax, and Mass was over. The greatest moments were to come. A rush to the boats. Chanting the Litany of the Saints, the Archbishop, his assistants, and the altar boys were moving across the grass to the bank and to the vessel that awaited there. Slowly it moved toward a central position, and on the two hundred or so luggers, hearts began to beat faster. As each boat approached the Archbishop, all dropped to their knees, heads lowered. The prelate then dipped his gold aspergillum into the container of holy water and lifted it high. As the boats passed, the drops fell on the scrubbed deck, on the nets, and on the shoulders of the nearest ones. Today was more than a religious occasion; it was the great social day of the bayous. On both sides of the bayou awaited much delicious food. Shrimp, crab, oysters, and crawfish for ALL!. Dancing and games, the best music in the world, laughing and visiting. It is BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANSBY: PAUL G. BREWSTER 'Twas on the eighth of January, Just at the dawn of day We spied those British officers, All dressed in battle arrary Old Jackson then gave orders, "Each man to keep his post, And form a line from right to left and let no time be lost." With rockets and bombshells, like comets we let fly; Like lions they advanced on us, the fate of war to try. Large streams of fiery vengeance upon them we let pour While many a brave commander lay withering in his gore. Thrice they marched up to the charge, and thrice they gave the ground; We fought them full three hours, then bugle horns did sound. Great heaps of human pyramids lay strewn before our eyes; We blew the horns and rang the bells to drown their dying cries. Come all you British noblemen, and listen unto me; Our frontiersmen has proved to you America is free. But tell your royal master when you return back home that out of thirty thousand men but few of you returned. Graphics by: Rosie's Backgrounds