Ladies of the Heart GiftsA Gift to the Ladies of the Heart To All the Ladies of the Heart. I wanted to extend my most humble thank you for
allowing me to join this wonderful group of ladies. You are so inspiring, and I have found
a new meaning to the word "Heart". I feel very thankful that I am a part of your group. I
think the sharing and caring that this group brings will heal many wounds, and create new
roads to travel. I offer you this gift to all Ladies of the Heart, and hope that you will
accept it.
Poem to the Ladies of the Heart
In my journey of life,
I have met many a wonderful soul
With happiness and joy
I now behold.
The Ladies of the Heart
extended to me
an outreached hand,
and let me be me.
My fondest wishes for you
I do now impart
For each of your lives
Dear Ladies of the Heart. Sincerely, Delta
I have made this award and I am awarding them to all my LOTH sisters.  Please take this with you, dear ladies, and link it back to my main page...URL is These are some wonderful gifts I have recieved from my Loth Sisters

 Thank you so much, I am so honored to recieved these.

Thank you so much for this lovely LOTH gift.

